(...) The words were created to describe the external world, then sometimes there are not enough words to describe our soul or what you feel (...)

jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

Le France ...

(...) Which country would you like to go to? (...)

Really i have to answer this cuestion? ... J´adore le France...First I love his language and his beatifull places.
But for me the essenthial of a country lies in his culture, and it has a huge culture formed based on centuries of history with all that that means.
Why "Le France" , `cause is a passion that bornt in the past... Well i explain, my family always talk about me of the Europe and other places...but i never forgot when my father said to me ..."Well, Choose a place and fall in love of tis and his culture". Also my aunt live in France... So, I started to read, to meet this mysterious and enigmatic place... And to the end I entranced by his magic and I'm passionate about his phylosophy.
In 2008, i did the trip of my life...My dream came true.. I traveled to France with my family ... I if i thought that i knew this country ...I`m wrong `cause when you get to know his people in the real day or in his ordinary life...you know the essence of this country... I walk a lot, a knew some places that influenced my life and my way of think.
I wish to go to live in this country and finish my Veterinary studies in Le France... One of things that I most adore of my trip was that i can spoke with the simple people and more extravangt people...I never forgot when I met the Champs Elise.. o The Bohemian... `cause I consider myself to a Bohemian person so .. You could imagine how I enjoyed the nigths of Paris! =) !!!

But if you ask me a place that I don`t meet! ... I Said Greek, `cause is a precius place and it has a intereting history .. but also has a very good- looking men!!!

So..Finally i can said altought i traveled to Le France..i always consider this country how of a mysterius and always i will want to live new experiencies...My mother said me:
"(...) A place neverlook like we saw... we appreciate things that did not previously (...)"

But anywhere was, is or will been how you land ... CHile, a Place where you can find the inspiration and yourself, as it is your country ... part of you and what you are.

A Big Hug (...)

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

" TranSantiago? "

" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!! PLIS STOP! DON´T GO!!!! La Merde!!! Is the second bus that pass in front of my face !!!!!! What Happend with this system...I`m going to be late !!

(...) I prefer don´t say the real words that I thought in that moments...And believe me is worse when I have a Test!!!
When i remember that moments I Hate the Transantiago... above all if is a regular situation..But I try to speak or write of this public transport the most objectively!!

TranSantiago... Uff!! If we ask to common of the people that use the system , i`m sure that the 99% will answer "Trash". The people more knowledgeable said "A non-viable System".
Well...In my opinion is the a scheme that is crowded... Is a System that his finality in the begining was include more areas of Stgo and that the people can used it. Another Reason was that the goberment wanted that the folk used this method for go to the work or school and leaved the car in his house!!!...Situation that seems a joke, `cause the society prefer utilize their car... My dad always say " it`ll be more relaxing if i use the car than the transport ... I have enough with the stress of my work to stress out with this System too!! " ... I believe that my father have a lot of reason `cause a lot of people became insupportable when they get down of a bus... So this system is a source of Stress!!!
I have to say for my experiencie that is a really dangerus transport! :( The all times that assault me, every was in this public Locomotion...
I think tha is not very expensive compared with another countries... But How always the Chilean People claims for everythink related with the money!!
It is a System more ordered than the pre - Transantiago`s locomotion, but I miss the old system...the Yellow bus bring me a lot of remembers ...I Had a very good moments with my friends.. and the rout was a lot more extensive...!
I Hate the subway in peak timetable... We seem a shoal of jarred salmon, all crammed together...
The Ministry of Transport have to do something to change this... I don`t know what..is their job!!! .. But for the moment I glad to have a system in which i can go to everywhere ...always with care.The security is not a problem of the machine or method on the contrary ..is a problem of the people !!
Well .. Finally I can say that I hate this system ..but i don`have another option to move around , such us another people!!! (...)

No more To said ...that in this Transantiago the busdriver is more nice and friendly...thant the old busdrivers... I Hate him!!

Love For Everybody!!!! Except for the busdriver of the bus 07 and the old 361!!!!!...

(...) Hope!! (...)

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

A few months.-

Should I write about the early months of the year 2010?... What ?????? Again with a blog in English????? Yes ...Again sitting in front of a PC writing in English, with what cost me the most and knowing that the Frenchis is my love , but with the same inspiration and i can wite knowing that you understand that.
Ufff... It was a short period full of emotions, situations and experiences with my family and Friends, which are extremely difficult to summarize in 200 words .
It was a period in which time I had a horrible burden on the U, as increase the materials each semester. But even though it was a horribly tedious and stressful semester ... I admit it was a half to enjoy a large measure, as strengthening ties with the little crazy and I met great people. It was a semester as every instance of life was subjected to endless emotions of all kinds, I mean many joys, moments of grief. But if I have to admit that I enjoy time with my beautifuls "Nenas of Hunting!" which are a source of joy in my life.
On the other hand, as the center of my life U consumed a large part of my time either studying, taxiing or lying on the court. A period of stress generated largely Anatomy and Histology...Well I love the Animal Behavior becouse is a subject that explain the essence of the animals and the subjet that i hate with all my soul was Epidemiology ... But the essenthial was that i reaffirm my passion for the animal and this career.
One semester I concluded one of the most timeless cycles of my life. I closed cycles ... born and surfacing all the desire to dream and enjoy life.
A few months and taught me to fully ... Months and sometimes I wanted to send everything to the devil, but always remembering the love and joy for life ...
In conclusion from March to July ... it was a time of growth, happiness, hope ... but above all to enjoy life with those I love and have fun too well with my friends .
A Happy period with dreams and with many test which tested my strong and love for the life, but i reaffirm my passion for live....

No more to say ...

" Smile And Enjoy the life "