(...) The words were created to describe the external world, then sometimes there are not enough words to describe our soul or what you feel (...)

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

A few months.-

Should I write about the early months of the year 2010?... What ?????? Again with a blog in English????? Yes ...Again sitting in front of a PC writing in English, with what cost me the most and knowing that the Frenchis is my love , but with the same inspiration and i can wite knowing that you understand that.
Ufff... It was a short period full of emotions, situations and experiences with my family and Friends, which are extremely difficult to summarize in 200 words .
It was a period in which time I had a horrible burden on the U, as increase the materials each semester. But even though it was a horribly tedious and stressful semester ... I admit it was a half to enjoy a large measure, as strengthening ties with the little crazy and I met great people. It was a semester as every instance of life was subjected to endless emotions of all kinds, I mean many joys, moments of grief. But if I have to admit that I enjoy time with my beautifuls "Nenas of Hunting!" which are a source of joy in my life.
On the other hand, as the center of my life U consumed a large part of my time either studying, taxiing or lying on the court. A period of stress generated largely Anatomy and Histology...Well I love the Animal Behavior becouse is a subject that explain the essence of the animals and the subjet that i hate with all my soul was Epidemiology ... But the essenthial was that i reaffirm my passion for the animal and this career.
One semester I concluded one of the most timeless cycles of my life. I closed cycles ... born and surfacing all the desire to dream and enjoy life.
A few months and taught me to fully ... Months and sometimes I wanted to send everything to the devil, but always remembering the love and joy for life ...
In conclusion from March to July ... it was a time of growth, happiness, hope ... but above all to enjoy life with those I love and have fun too well with my friends .
A Happy period with dreams and with many test which tested my strong and love for the life, but i reaffirm my passion for live....

No more to say ...

" Smile And Enjoy the life "

4 comentarios:

  1. So deep as always pelu. I'm praying on my knees for a easier semester ajhajhajahjhaja!

    ...and for the next blog session please write less words ahjahjahaja!
    bye bye!

  2. jajajja Simon was right, please write less words xDD! finally I finished to read! :P but that's nice I'm glad you are good and you have that thought.
    Have a great time and enjoy it.

  3. peluuuu!!! love your blog ..love and peace for everyone! i love the song somewhere over the rainbow too!
    hope you are having a beautiful holiday! come visit me :D we are just 45 minutes away :D ill ring you if i go to serena ok?
    kisses! and of course loveeeeee baby!

  4. MY FRIEND!!
    i loved your blogg too!
    it describes very well the way you are!
    the only thing that i didn`t like is the namelink that you gave to me!! i hope you change it.
    love u sweety!
