(...) The words were created to describe the external world, then sometimes there are not enough words to describe our soul or what you feel (...)

domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

¿ Life or Dead ? ... Only a Sentence

The death penalty is a topic quite controvercial, but I honestly believe that having a position on this topic that involves the determination of life or death of a person is totally relative.
I mean ... When you look at the fact of the deaht penalty from a position or from a point not clearly affects you, In my case I decide for life!.That is, show me against this practice is due to two points. The first is simply because I'm an advocate of life in any way either animal, vegetable or simply I am in favor of respecting life and nobody has the right to decide whether living or dead (even if the human being has taken this right over all other beings). Before addressing the second issue limiting the fact that this opinion is given only in extreme cases such as murder very brutal or extremely gruesome facts, from this I express my point that I am not in favor of the death penalty, even when bestial people deserve to die for his disgusting acts, I am not one to pay in kind, ie if you kill him, kill him ... but secondly I think it's reward and give them the easy way out to their conscience and a punishment that will make them pay in life the pain they caused. In particular I think someone should pay for things you do with sanctions that allow them to embody the pain and suffering of the people, but clarified that they are not torture of centuries past.
But if I must say that when we are brutally assaulted a family member or someone we love, when these brutal acts prey on your core, posture toward life often going to hell and the only thing I want is to do justice by your own hands and possibly as soon as possible to kill the assailant. But it is a very viable option and that may be your final end to one side of the podium with the reading of your opinion of sentence

In conclusion, I can say that this practic is not my choice, but many time and performed hundred of years and still are done by eastern Cultures and to a lesser extent in the west was justified on the simple premise that won punishment with their actions. Without a doubt, is the focus of debate and controversy, but more importantly for me is to be paid but not to life but in life .-

Hope for everyone.-

1 comentario:

  1. The death penalty is a topic quite SP controvercial, but I honestly believe that having a position on this topic that involves the determination of life or death of a person is totally relative.
    I mean ... When you look at the fact of the SP deaht penalty from a position or from a point not clearly affects you, In my case I decide for life!.That is, ? show me against this practice is due to two points. The first is simply because I'm an advocate of life in any way either animal, vegetable or simply I am in favor of respecting life and nobody has the right to decide whether living or dead (even if the human being has taken this right over all other beings). Before addressing the second issue limiting the fact that this opinion is given only in extreme cases such as murder very brutal or extremely gruesome facts, from this I express my point that I am not in favor of the death penalty, even when bestial people deserve to die for WW his disgusting acts, I am not one to pay in kind, ie if you kill him, kill him ... but secondly I think it's reward and give them the easy way out to their conscience and a punishment that will make them pay in life the pain they caused. In particular I think someone should pay for things you do with sanctions that allow them to embody the pain and suffering of the people, but clarified that they are not torture of centuries past.
    But if I must say that when we are brutally assaulted a family member or someone we love, when these brutal acts SP prey on your core, posture toward life often going to hell and the only thing I want is to do justice by your own hands and possibly as soon as possible to kill the WW assailant. But it is a very viable option and that may be your final end to one side of the podium with the reading of your opinion of sentence

    In conclusion, I can say that this SO practic is not my choice, but many time and performed hundred of years and still are done by eastern Cultures and to a lesser extent in the west was justified on the simple premise that won punishment with their actions. Without a doubt, is the focus of debate and controversy, but more importantly for me is to be paid but not to life but in life .-

    very good! I like the people who have a clear mind and strong opinions!
