(...) The words were created to describe the external world, then sometimes there are not enough words to describe our soul or what you feel (...)

sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

Challenges of a Vet!

Undoubtedly, first of all you have to make clear that the challenges presented daily in the life of each. And it is clearly too complex to describe the challenges of our discipline being that we do not even play in the field, but are mere students who know the discipline from the mouths of others, or as we have seen, but we have not lived through own difficulties, as we say colloquially.

Veterinary medicine has one of the biggest challenges is the technological subject, as obviously to be a race like human medicine demand over time with more technologies to the operations and / or specific tests, the problem is that in the case of animals, these teams are much more expensive. Besides the equipment for these tests differ by species and size of the animal. The solution to this great dilemma that the government would commit capital to fund this dress so exquisitely expensive.

Another difficulty of our private profession is that it is considered not supported as it should, this is because people are not aware of how necessary it is a veterinarian for your pets. In addition, another feature is that adequate capital is intended to bring animals to our clinic, therefore there is a problem of education and social-level priorities, which makes much of our work. The solution is to educate a little more to society and to teach the importance of an animal and deserves the same treatment as a human being.
Another feature that makes us much our industry is education, but I mean that we teach. Today the opening and the delivery of private universities race for the labor market makes it even more difficult. The solution to this point is undoubtedly leave uniersidades those that are recognized and have a reputation for the race.
Ultimately I think that each race and each discipline has different challenges, but if we think the solution to many serious obstacles and stigma undoubtedly teach and make people see how important the animals and the transcendental that would educate and care they deserve, would avert many facts as targeted or indiscriminate killing dogs.

Hope for everybody.-

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

Stranded Cetaceans

" Keep an eye out for stranded dolphins, urge scientists"

(...)British beaches are usually the focus of strandings of dolphins, porpoises and whales. The figures indicate that this event has grown in recent years, this can be seen with the data delivered by the CSIP, which recorded 9494 stranding on British shores since 1990. A fact which shows the increase in strandings in this area is that in the first 10 years of the institution, the number of strandings per year was 300 to 400 per year since 2000, the minimum number falls to 500 animals year, peaking in 2003 with nearly 800 animals stranded.
There are many causes that could explain strandings but, according to autopsy say that animals have died in natural conditions, but one aspect that affects and substantially increased the death of these animals are the gas and oil residues that are deposited in the sea. Another aspect that is associated with strandings is that these animals are very SENCIBLES sounds, since many of these animals are guided and move according to the audition, so noise pollution is a factor that disorient whales and Because ending docked on the coast. A fact related to the last point is that found a large pod of pilot whales stranded on the island of Rutland, Donegal in October, this was seen alive in the Outer Hebrides a few days. It is speculated that his death could be associated with the Royal Navy who had been conducting routine exercises in the region and could have misled the sheath with its sonar causing further stranding, meanwhile the body demiente any effect saying that the gap generated between the sheath and they do not allow such an outcome
The study of cetaceans is very complex in its natural habitat so strandings data are of vital importance to estimate and infer as cetacean populations are therefore requesting help from volunteers and civilians who transit by the British coast that can communicate sightings of stranded animals (...)

Based on http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/nov/22/stranded-dolphins-british-shores.


sábado, 13 de noviembre de 2010

My Faculty! .-

Analyze my faculty, is a complicated issue because it can be seen from different points and guidelines, so I will limit to mention those aspects that really stress me and affect me.
The current situation is simply that my department needs strengthening in many areas, but it's a cozy place where one falls, the amount of nature out there. But even so, there are many points that must be put on table for the situation ceases to be strengthening and consolidation become.
One of the biggest problems facing the faculty think is the casino, as this is has a system that generates very high prices of value, is not sufficient to support a fellowship lunch sodexo overwhelming. Concerning the same subject, I do not like serving people they serve, often do not see the client, is also grateful that you served.
Another problem is the curriculum and how it is distributed, falling into a problem of this administration, it may not have time to clinical practice and have to choose to miss class to attend practice. Another point is that there are many times stops and it is almost impossible to take an elective and there is no time.
Clearly for improving things, it certainly needs to work in collaboration of students, staff and campus administration.
To improve the system simply casino, in my opinion would have to switch to Wordpress Theme. And regarding the screen, no doubt see and analyze the possibility of extending for another year so the race to decompress so compressed semesters.
The first steps would face the fact that should fix this and appoint a committee of teachers and specialists to study this case of the mesh.
And regarding the casino, I think the first step should be to estimate a value according to the grant for a full meal and the time could go by estimating the number of changes, for the benefit of feeding and the pocket of a student.
The impact of these improvements would be very important because it would create a better harmony, because on one hand the students may want to focus on how best to one class without the pressure of being with 8 or 9 classes. You could devote the time needed for the various practices and skills would be improved. With regard to the casino, whether these improvements will be accepted believe me lunch would no longer be a headache, the pocket would be eternally happy and we would eat healthier.

No doubt the facultty has a long way in certain respects, but is the place that holds us daily for several hours, which makes you fall in love for many failures you have.
Hope for everybody =)

lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010

Sighs and a lots of ice cream

(...) Since I am a hopeless romantic, I must say that I love the movie based on the classic romance but all those in which the plot shows a love that has many processes that preclude their full development in principle and perhaps are somewhat tortuous, but you vibrate so powerful feelings and ultimately know to stay together, but suffers when they are together!
There are many examples of these movies, but I have always in my retine is The Notebook! .. It is a story of love that makes me dream and that is usually found in movies more than books, that kind of love that transcends time and circumstances of life .. Love that overcomes social differences and temporal spaces.
It is a movie I went to see my best friend, hahaha I remember that situation ... always the same conflict, he wants to see action or horror movies and I always want to see a romantic movies. That day I won =)
It is a film that tells the love story between Noah and Allie .. part from that found in a nursing home and tells Noah and tells the story of love between them to Allie who is an elderly woman who suffers of dementia, is an act that always repeats itself because man seeks to remind his girlfriend as they lived. A story that makes you sigh and dream about all the times we live that perhaps love can last beyond the life .-
Another film of this genre is undoubtedly Pride and Prejudice, but I prefer the book. What I most love about this movie was to Mr. Darcy ... =)
Many love the movies that make me stay glued in front of the TV eating ice cream and crying ... such an angel in love ... I never understood why she had to die when he transformed from angel to man ...
Another is Ps I Love you .... That saddest thing, but again show a love that transcends and teaches you is to live with that love ... and without .-
Of course, not less important is John Dear! That most beautiful thing that man =) and is a film that shows love as hard and often affected by ideals and loyalties of individuals ... Sometimes love is not enough to set aside what we are ...

No doubt, I'm a dreamer, utopian and imaginary but I love to dream and sigh ... =)!
Hahahaha! Although I love movies that point to try to explain nature and human nature ... those dense type and you have to be with all senses alert or lost but the best or the key to the movie ... An example that shows the vulnerability of human beings and more hints that can miserable of men is Requiem for a dream .-

A lot of films ... many movies ... everyone has a feature that is left, either in the plot, the actor, the song (...)
